Friday, November 21, 2008

Hello everyone! We're still alive! Just been up to the same old. We're just counting down to Jason's graduation and then how long until we get to come home! We really like it here, but we miss being around the family and friends in Washington. So, not too long (13 weekdays)until Jason's Paramedic Pinning, on Dec. 10th, and only about 22 actual workdays for me until we move! Yay!


Wise Family said...

Hurray! It will be nice to have you guys close again. By the way, when are you moving back?

Jenks Jive said...

We are looking forward to you coming back to Washington, too! Paige is wondering if you'll get Tucker back? :)

Sylvia Marie said...

YAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss you. I love you!!