Friday, April 9, 2010

We went on a little hike with Casey and Sylvia (and Emma) a while ago, and although I realized just how out of shape I am, it was really fun, and a beautiful sunny day!

All of us, finally at the top!!

Jason, Chandler and I, posing for a pic before heading up the hill.

Notice that I'm carrying Chandler before we went up, and by the top, Jason has him. I had a hard enough time dragging myself up, and keeping up with the guys who tore up the hill, like they had somthing to prove. Men.


The McGary's said...

I was gonna say, why doesn't Jason have Chandler?? I didn't notice he had him in the other picture though:)

Jenks Jive said...

Where did you go hiking? Having children tends to get you out of shape. The end made me laugh. :)

Sylvia Marie said...

AWW!! Cute!!! That was so much fun!! LOL Casey told me he's all annoyed that I held Emma just for the pics so everyone thinks I carried her up and that he is lazy!! Mua ha ha!! I'm so sneaky. ;)

Sylvia Marie said...

PS those glasses are hideous on my face, and I keep putting off getting new ones. I hope no one looks at this and thinks that I think I look cute in those things. HAHAHA