Saturday, February 26, 2011

Chandler's 1st birthday party

Chandler turned 1 over a month ago, and I am finnally getting around to posting the pictures from his party. I'm a little behind, I know...
I made a barn cake, which we put onto a sheet cake, and then made all these little cupcake animals. All the kids gathered around and helped him open his presents, one of them being a shirt that says "Big brother" which was our way of announcing there's another baby on the way for us!
All day, Chandler kept reaching towards the bright cupcakes and was all disappointed when I would pull him away. So here he is finally with a coveted cupcake.

After the party, Chandler had a good time playing in the streamers with Grandpa McGary!


Sylvia Marie said...

aww so sweet! Looks like he had a fun party. :) So excited for McGary Baby #2!!

David and Kira said...

Love the barn and animals idea! ADORABLE!!! You did an awesome job. And congrats on the 2nd baby!!

c1c2023c-abd said...

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