Thursday, August 6, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Jason and I celebrated his 26th birthday yesterday! It was just the two of us, which was nice because it feels like he's been gone constantly lately. He works so hard and long and is exhausted, and said for his birthday he just wanted to be home. So we had dinner, presents, and mud pie (his choice for a birthday cake), followed by a movie, then we crashed. With me being pregnant I've been exhausted too, so by the end of the day we are both really ready for sleep! So to all those we hadn't told yet, I am due January 20th, and we find out in two weeks what we are having! We just wanted to wait for a while before telling everyone else, to make sure everything was going to be okay; I was nervous due to the previous miscarriage. But I had another appointment yesterday and everything seems to be going well! Jason really thinks its a boy, and I go back and forth. I had psyched myself out for a girl, but now I'd be excited for jason to have a little boy, so I really will be happy with either!


David and Kira said...

Congratulations!! I heard Jason was working in Quincy. Can't wait to hear what you are having!! It'll be so fun to have a baby so close to Emily's and to see their milestones as they grow!!

The Ottley's said...

Congrats! How exciting! I couldn't wait to find out what we were having! I think that was one of my favorite parts! How's Jason liking work? Where are you guys living?

Michelle said...

Hooray! I'm so excited for you! :D Where are you going to settle? More closer to tri cities? To Quincy? :)

Audrey said...

AWESOME AND CONGRATS! I'm way excited for you guys! It's fun hearing from you-now all we need are some pics of that belly!